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Religious people often see their writings as holy or sacred because they believe that the texts contain divine guidance, teachings, and principles that provide spiritual direction and insight into the nature of existence and their relationship with the divine. This belief stems from the idea that the texts were inspired or revealed by a higher power and hold intrinsic value and authority for believers.

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Q: Why do religious people see their writings s holy or sacred?
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Holy writings are typically written in a style that reflects religious teachings, beliefs, and values. They often use symbolic language, allegories, parables, and metaphors to convey spiritual truths and moral lessons. The content of these writings is considered sacred and authoritative within the respective religious traditions.

What are the holy or sacred writings?

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Religious, sacred, divine.

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Things sacred are things that are religious and holy. Things secular are things that are non-religious, wordly or non-spiritual.

What is sacred?

exclusively devoted to a deity or to some religious ceremony or use; holy; consecrated

What are the most sacred high holy days during the Jewish religious year?

Yom Kippur

What is the sacred writing of the christians?

The Holy Bible that contains both the Old Testament and New Testament. There are 66 books of inspired writings.

Prefix meaning 'sacred'?

anything offered in the service to God. Itcan be a song, land, or artifacts.Holiness, or sanctity, is in general the state of being holy (perceived by religious individuals as associated with the divine) or sacred (considered worthy of spiritual respect or devotion; or inspiring awe or reverence among believers in a given set of spiritual ideas). In other contexts, objects are often considered 'holy' or 'sacred' if used for spiritual purposes, such as the worship or service of gods. These terms can also be used in a non-spiritual or semi-spiritual context ("sacred truths" in a constitution). It is often ascribed to people ("a holy man" of religious occupation, "holy prophet" who is venerated by his followers), objects ("sacred artifact" that is venerated and blessed ), times ("holy days" of spiritual introspection, such as during winter holidays), or places ("sacred ground", "holy place"). Basically, holiness is a form of the term to be holy. (Wikipedia)Much the same as holy.Same As Afraid