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The printing press allowed for widespread distribution of information, ideas, and criticisms of the Catholic Church, reducing the Church's control over the spread of knowledge and challenging its authority. This made it increasingly difficult for the Church to suppress dissent and control the narrative during the revolution.

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Q: Why did the printing press make it difficult for the Catholic Church to stop the revolution?
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How does the French Revolution relate to the Catholic Church?

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French Revolution hostile to the Catholic Church?

The French revolution was extremely hostile to the Catholic Church. They guillotined priests, nuns, and sisters by the hundreds, desecrated Churches, and destroyed priceless relics.

How did the Scientific Revolution weaken the Catholic Church?

The "Scientific Revolution" did not weaken the Catholic Church, the Scientific Revolution was brought about by the Catholic Church. Nearly everyone who contributed to it for centuries was Catholic, in many notable cases, they were even clergy or monks. People of a protestant or secular viewpoint often make the claim that the scientific revolution led to a weakening of the Church because the Church relied on things not seen, while science relied on provable facts, but this is a straw argument, and doesn't touch the reality that everyone actually doing the science was a Catholic.

What wars have been just by the Catholic Church?

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What did the french revolution get rid of?

Catholic church, Christianity, king, nobility

If you lived in France in 1780 before the French revolution and you were a member of the ordained priests you would be member of what Catholic Church?

There is only one Catholic Church, and all ordained priests were members of it before the revolution.

The revolution of France was between who and who?

It was the French citizen who was opposed by the Royalty and the Catholic Church.

How did the power of the Catholic Church change of the French Revolution?

The Catholic Church lose power during the French Revolution. Instead of the Catholic Church, a new creation was introduced... The Cult of the Supreme Being. This cult was founded by Maximilian Robespierre, the head of the Jacobins and a major figure in the Reign of Terror. However, after the Revolution ended, the Catholic Church regained much of its former power. This was, in part, due to the fact that many of the "common" people in France were firm followers in the Church, even throughout the Revolution, and after it, when the Church was re-named as the state "religion," they went happily back into their old way of life, with the Catholic Church.Nova Net: The Catholic Church was separated from governmentIt was greatly changed because of the confiscation of huge properties owned by the church, the expulsion of monks and nuns and the imprisonment and death of hundreds of priests.

Did the French King ask the Catholic Church for money?

Yes. And it was refused. The French Revolution in turn seized all of the property of the Catholic Church and sold it to the highest bidder.

How was Catholic Church before the Revolution?

The Catholic Church had been a vibrant, growing Church in France since the ninth century. For more information get Diane Moczar's book, Ten Dates Every Catholic Should Know at the link below.

How did the printing of the Holy Bible weaken the Catholic Church?

.Roman Catholic AnswerGreat heavens, NO. The Catholic Church has been printing the Holy Bible since the invention of a printing press, and for the fourteen centuries before that, thousands of monks spent their whole lives making new Bibles. Keep in mind that it was the Catholic Church that wrote and approved the Bible to begin with. Without the Catholic Church there would be no Bible today, and certainly would have been none around for the protestants to mutilate. As it is, M. Luther removed seven books from the Bible, and tried mightily to alter the New Testament as well, he was foiled in the later attempt by other heretics. The only printing of Holy Bibles that the Church objected to were error filled books claiming to be the complete Bible. Please see the link below for more:

How did the French power of the Catholic Church change after the French Revolution?

The Catholic Church lose power during the French Revolution. Instead of the Catholic Church, a new creation was introduced... The Cult of the Supreme Being. This cult was founded by Maximilian Robespierre, the head of the Jacobins and a major figure in the Reign of Terror. However, after the Revolution ended, the Catholic Church regained much of its former power. This was, in part, due to the fact that many of the "common" people in France were firm followers in the Church, even throughout the Revolution, and after it, when the Church was re-named as the state "religion," they went happily back into their old way of life, with the Catholic Church.Nova Net: The Catholic Church was separated from governmentIt was greatly changed because of the confiscation of huge properties owned by the church, the expulsion of monks and nuns and the imprisonment and death of hundreds of priests.