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The cantata "Belshazzar's Feast" was composed by William Walton, with the text based on the biblical story of Belshazzar's feast from the Book of Daniel. It premiered in 1931.

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Q: Who wrote the cantata Belshazzar Feast?
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What does the writing mean in the story Belshazzar's feast the handwriting on the wall''?

Belshazzar's kingdom will be taken and divided.

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Edwin Arnold has written: 'What can futures hold in store?' 'The feast of Belshazzar'

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It could be, however, the cantata was not necessarily sacred. There were secular cantatas written as well. Johann Sebastien Bach wrote the "Coffee Cantata" which was based on secular content.

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Roger Wilson Cutler has written: 'Belshazzar's feast' -- subject- s -: Poetry

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Daniel was able to interpret the meaning of the handwriting on the wall, which foretold Belshazzar's downfall and the end of his kingdom. He warned Belshazzar of the impending judgment for his arrogance and disregard for God.