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The most zealous Christians are the ones labeled osu or outcasts by the rest of the tribe. These ones have the most to prove because all their life they have been taunted and seen as less than average men by the rest of the tribe. When they get a chance to be on the other end, to be seen as superior by mocking the rest of the tribe, they take it, due to their insecurity with their own self worth.

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The most zealous Christians in "Things Fall Apart" are the missionaries who view the Igbo customs and religion as pagan and contrary to their Christian beliefs. They are eager to attack these customs because they believe they are spreading the word of God and offering salvation to the Igbo people by converting them to Christianity. Their zeal stems from a sincere commitment to their faith and a belief in the righteousness of their mission, albeit with a lack of understanding or respect for the Igbo culture.

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Q: Who are the most zealous Christians and why are they eager to attack Ibo customs and religion in Things Fall Apart?
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