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Valentine was being held in prison awaiting execution for illegally marrying couples when the emperor declared marriage to be against the law. The daughter of his jailer was healed of her blindness by Valentine and became a Christian and good friend of the Saint. Shortly before he died, Valentine sent her a letter and told her to remain faithful to God. He signed it, "From Your Valentine."

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The story of Saint Valentine and the blind girl is a legend where Valentine allegedly healed the blindness of a young girl he befriended while imprisoned. Before his execution, he wrote her a letter signed "Your Valentine," thus starting the tradition of sending Valentine's Day cards. The story illustrates the compassionate and kind-hearted nature of Saint Valentine.

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Q: What was the story of Saint Valentine and the blind girl?
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Who was the blind girl that helped Saint Valentine?

There is no stated name of the blind girl and her story has limited information.One legend says, while awaiting his execution, Valentinus restored the sight of his jailer's blind daughter. Another legend says, on the eve of his death, he penned a farewell note to the jailer's daughter, signing it, "From your Valentine."

Is Saint Valentine a girl?

St. Valentine was a Catholic priest, possibly a bishop, and not a girl.

Is Saint Valentine a boy or a girl?

He was neither. He was a man.

Why did Saint Valentine send a Valentine?

Just before he was to be executed, Valentine sent a note to the young daughter who he had befriended and signed it "From your Valentine." In his note he told the young girl to continue to be faithful to God.

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Which movie do you like better the blind side or Valentine's Day?

i think the blind side is a better move then valentines day because valentines day is only about people kissing and the blind side is about a girl that's in a relationship with a football player its telling you what life is like when your in a relationship and it a true story so i think you should chose the blind side instead of valentines day

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A:The one fact that can be stated confidently is that we know nothing about the legendary Saint Valentine, not even whether he actually existed. The most famous miracle attributed to Valentine involved a farewell note that he sent to a young blind girl named Julia, shortly before his martyrdom. Believers say that God miraculously cured Julia of her blindness so that she could personally read the note rather than just have someone else read it to her.

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No, the girl in the story "The Night Train at Deoli" by Ruskin Bond is not blind. She is a young woman who sells baskets of fruit to passengers on the train.

Why did Claudius the Cruel behead a priest named Valentine?

As legend goes, the emperor Claudius (probably Claudius Gothicus) outlawed marriages so that he would have more soldiers. Saint Valentine refused to stop the marriages, and so he was killed. He supposedly healed a blind girl, and wrote a letter to her signed "Your Valentine." Thus, the legend. Another legend states only that he was beaten and beheaded for giving aid to Christians, and for refusing to convert.

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The main character in the short story "The Bamboo Blind" by Seema Jena is an unnamed young girl who is blind. The story follows her experiences and interactions with her family, particularly during a festival celebration.

When was Valentine Girl created?

Valentine Girl was created in 1990-06.

What are facts and superstitions associated with Saint Valentine?

Valentine of Rome was a priest or, possibly, a bishop during the reign of Roman Emperor Claudius II Gothicus. Claudius needed to raise an army but found it difficult to do so because by law he could not draft married men. He outlawed marriage but Valentine continued to marry couples in secret until the emperor found out and had him arrested, tortured and killed. During his time in prison he became quite close to the jailer's daughter who he had cured of blindness. Shortly before he was executed Valentine sent the girl a note, urging her to remain close to God. He signed it 'from your Valentine.'