Holy Eucharist two Bibles habit of the Sisters of Charity children marriage widow mother Episcopaelin Roman Catholic convert teacher caretaker prayer "Live simply so others may simply live." love of God
Elizabeth is frequently represented by:
•elderly woman holding the infant John the Baptist
•pregnant woman with the Virgin Mary
•in company of Saint Zachary
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton's husband's name was William Magee Seton.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton died on January 4, 1821
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton was born in New York City.
No, the body of Elizabeth Ann Seton is not incorrupt.
Click on this link for a biography of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton.
Dr. Richard Bayley was the father of Elizabeth Ann Seton. She married William Magee Seton, who died of tuberculosis after about 10 years of marriage. Her complete name would be Sister Saint Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton.
Elizabeth Ann Seton was born on August 28, 1774.
Her middle name was "Ann". Born Elizabeth Ann Bayley.
January 4 is Elizabeth Anne Seton's feast day.
Yes, Elizabeth Ann Seton is a patron saint. She is the patron Saint of Catholic schools and the state of Maryland.
Elizabeth Ann Seton was canonized a saint on September 14, 1975, by Pope Paul VI.