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Saint Monica prayed for her son's conversion - St. Augustine of Hippo.

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Saint Monica prayed for over 20 years for her son, Saint Augustine, to convert to Christianity. She is known for her unwavering faith and dedication to her son's spiritual well-being. Augustine eventually converted and went on to become a great theologian and saint himself.

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Q: What saint prayed 40 years for her son to convert?
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What did St. Monica of Hippo achieve?

St. Monica prayed for years for the conversion of both her husband and her son, St. Augustine. Years and years of prayers were finally answered.

Why is St. Monica special?

Monica was married to an unfaithful and abusive husband and had a son, Saint Augustine, who was a profligate. She prayed for years that they would reform their lives and be converted. Her prayers were finally answered and her son, St. Augustine, went on to become one of the greatest minds and theologians ever to live. Her husband converted on his death bed.

Why is Saint Monica the patron saint of mothers?

Monica was not a martyr or missionary. She was not a great teacher or preacher. She performed no miracles and has not been declared a Doctor of the Church. What she did, however, was to live a very holy and pious life and she prayed constantly for the conversion of her son, Augustine, who was leading a very sinful and dissolute life. She prayed for years and years. Finally her prayers were answered and Augustine was baptized and went on to become one of the greatest minds and theologians of the Catholic Church. What did Monica contribute to the Church? She gave us St. Augustine. Without her years of prayer we never would have had him.St. Monica was not canonized as that system was not in place for hundreds of years after her death. She would have been declared a saint by the early Christian community based on her life of prayer.

What do you call a son of a saint?

There is no special term for son of a saint.