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Q: What is the act that say we are sorry for our sins?
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What are the words to act of contriton?

O my God I am very sorry for all my sins that displease you with your help I will sin no more Amen.

Is true sorrow for your sins?

Yes, true sorrow is for your sins because you should be truly sorry (Sorry for offending God ) for your sins.

What acts say you are sorry for your sins?

I believe confessing one's sins is a way saying that you are sorry for sins you committed. Protestants repent their sins out loud, and Catholics confess to a priest in confessional. ____ If you have caused hurt to another person, apologizing to them in person is also important, and also making a real effort not to commit the same kind of sin again. This can be difficult but it means a lot and shows that you are sorry.

What are the effects of Reconciliation?

It makes sure htat you sins are 100% forgiven by God. In the sacrament of reconciliation, you face your sins head on and say to God that you are truly sorry.

Who forgives sin how can your sins be forgiven?

It all depends on who you believe in. Assuming you are a Christian, pray to God and He will forgive your sins. It is still a mystery how and it will always be a mystery. Say that you are sorry for everything you have done and really mean it when you say that.

What are the four steps to Catholic confession?

The first step is contrition, that is saying sorry to the people you have sinned to and getting their apology...Feel sorry for your sins too... this has cleansed you 50 % The second step is self examination. Recall all the sins you have commited. The third step is to confess it in the confessional box. The last step is say the penance which you have been told by the priest. This has cleansed your soul 100 % God Bless!!!!

Does God still forgive you if you are sorry for your sin?

God ALWAYS forgives you if you are sorry for your sins.

What is penance?

Penance is when you are sorry for your sins and you do something to show how sorry you are. For example if you stole your sister's cookie you might bake her a cake, say sorry, and/or say a few prayers. However penance is determined by the priest when you go to confession. He will tell you what your penance is.

What is the definition of Penance and Reconciliation?

IntroductionWell, penance, reconciliation, and confession are all the same thing, just different names for it. Catholics celebrate this sacrament to be free of sin.What is sin?Sin is anything that we do wrong. There are two types of sins, venial and mortal. Venial sins are small things, such as lying or hitting. Mortal sins are serious, such as murder. We mustconfess mortal sins, or we are not forgiven. We cannot receive communion until we do. If you do, that is a sin. If you remember a sin, but purposely don't confess it, we are not forgiven.The Process of ReconciliationWhen you go into the confessional, you say hello to the priest (Deacons aren't allowed to hear confessions.) and either sit face-to-face or kneel in front of a screen. You say, "Forgive me Father for I have sinned, it has been ______ (amount of time [estimated]) since my last confession. These are my sins." You tell the priest all the sins you can remember doing. When you are done, you say, "For these and all my sins I am sorry." You pray the Act of Contrition. The priest will then give you absolution, saying, "_______(your name), I absolve you from all your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." You then say, "Amen." The priest will give you something to do to make up for your sins (called penance). You say thank you to the priest and then you exit the confessional.The Act of ContritionOh, my God, I am sorry for my sins. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against you and your Church. I firmly intend, with the help of Your Son to do penance and to sin no more. Amen. ConclusionIn conclusion, after you do your penance, you are clean of sin! All Catholics who have received this sacrament for the first time are required to go at least twice a year: Lent and Advent. There is all about reconciliation!

What are the words to the act of contrition?

ACT OF CONTRITION English Version: My God I am sorry for my sins with all my heart In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good I have sinned against you whom I should love above all things I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin Our savior Jesus Christ,suffered and died for us In his name my God have mercy, Amen

It is your first confesion and you have hundreds of sins. How do go about confessing?

When you confess it's all about saying you're sorry. All you do is say everything you want to be forgiven for doing and then try to not do them again.

What will wash your sins way?

Discern whether or not you're truly sorry. If you are. Go to a priest and give him your confession. Your sins will be absolved (by God) through the priest. Then you can start fresh. The previous sins will be forgotten.