Shri Parmatmane Namah has not written any specific work or publication that is widely recognized or known.
Namah was created in 2008.
Both are Same in Meaning ..
Om Namah Shivay - TV series - was created in 1997.
Amir khusrau
Belden Namah
Brum bruhaspathaye namah, is the popular mantra.
Aum Brim cannot be translated into English. Brahaspataye namah means you are paying money to Lord Brahaspatee in the hopes that he will bless you with divine knowledge.
A U M is pronouned as om. it has no specific meaning, It is the sound wave believed to be closer to nothing ness or eternity.
Mahabha ratha
Like any script the words appear slightly different depending on the person or traditiob writing it. The Link is one example.ॐ मणिपद्मे हुम् ॥
It may not mean anything, but that sound has certain positive effect. Sound does have effect on us.