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Pope St. Linus is traditionally listed as the second pope, following St Peter. John Chrysostom (347-407) stated, "This Linus, some say, was second Bishop of the Church of Rome after Peter."

The Catholic Encyclopedia states, "We cannot be positive whether this identification of the pope as being the Linus mentioned in 2 Timothy 4:21 goes back to an ancient and reliable source." The Church's caution on this is warranted, as most New Testament scholars say 2 Timothy was written in Paul's name, in the first half of the second century and therefore long after Pope Linus might have lived.

Francis A. Sullivan SJ (From Apostles to Bishops) says that most scholars are of the opinion that, in spite of Church tradition, the early church of Rome was led by a group of presbyters, and that bishops were not appointed to the church in Rome until later in the second century. In other words, there can have been no Pope Linus, although it is conceivable there was a presbyter of than name. Linus became regarded as a former pope much later, by tradition alone.

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Pope St. Linus was the second pope of the Catholic Church who succeeded St. Peter. He was a martyr and his feast day is celebrated on September 23. He is known for establishing the hierarchical structure of clerical orders within the Church.

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Who was Pope St Linus?

A:The Catholic Church teaches that St. Linus was the second bishop of Rome and was appointed by Peter himself. In practice, we know nothing certain about Pope Linus and can not even be sure whether a person of that name ever lived.Francis A. Sullivan SJ (From Apostles to Bishops) says that most scholars are of the opinion that, in spite of Church tradition, the early church of Rome was led by a group of presbyters, and that bishops were not appointed to the church in Rome until later in the second century. In other words, there can have been no Pope Linus, although it is conceivable there was a presbyter of than name.

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What is St. Linus the patron saint of?

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