Adversities in The Bible refer to difficult, challenging, or unfavorable situations or events that test a person's faith or resilience. It can encompass various forms of hardship or struggle that individuals may face in their lives.
The term 'hypenated' is not biblical.
The word cat(s) is not in the Bible
The plural term is one word, misfortunes (unlucky events, adversities).
The term 'score' is not found in many English translations.
A belief that rejects the orthodox doctrine of a religion.
There is no reference to the word petronella in KJV biblical text. You may want to look that word up in a Greek dictionary to see what it means, however it has no biblical significance.
"Jingky" is not a word in the Bible or derived from any Biblical word, as a result, it has no "Biblical meaning".
Biblical or biblical.
No, Emma is not a Biblical name. Emma was originally a nickname for names derived from the Germanic word element ermenmeaning "whole" or "universal".
If you mean the ceremony of relιgious worship according to a prescribed form, then the greek word is "λειτουργία" (leeturgheea).
The word 'circuit' is not a Biblical word, so you will need to define what you mean by circuit.
There were no spacecraft in biblical times, nor is there any modern spacecraft by this name. The Biblical word 'shem' does not mean spacecraft. It cannot since the Hebrews could not and would not(nor would any other semitic people) have a word meaning something which did not exist at that time.