What do you do for sacrifice lent?
I have heard it said that Lent is the springtime of the soul, as
it is a time of spiritual renewal. Especially during this season,
Catholics are called to three things: fasting, almsgiving, and
prayer. Fasting refers to the usual pracice of giving up something
during Lent. For example, giving up sweets or limiting computer
time. We should also be increasing our prayer life during Lent by
perhaps reading the Bible, saying the rosary, or going through a
devotional. Finally, almsgiving does not only refer to giving money
to the poor. It could mean this, but it could also mean doing
something such as giving of one's time by volunteering or donating
canned goods to a local food pantry. Almsgiving can be defined as
an act of mercy. Therefore, one can look to the Corporal and
Spiritual Works of Mercy and try to work on one or more of those
during Lent as well.
There is not one specific thing you MUST do for Lent. What you
do in terms of fasting, almsgiving, and prayer should bring you
closer to Christ and make you a little less worldly.