Christingle means Christ Light and is a way for the Church of England to communicate the Christian message in a fun and inspiring way to children and the local community. It brings people and families together at a time that signifies peace and goodwill. It is made from and orange, fruit and a candle.
a christingle .
The traditional Christingle is made with an Orange. The red ribbon represents the blood of Christ.
The traditional Christingle is made with an Orange. The red ribbon represents the blood of Christ.
The fruits or sweets on the christingle orange represent the fruits of the earth and the earth's riches God has blessed the world with.
eat less you fat bastards
im not sure
the world that the lord god made
It represents Jesus being the light of the world
It symbolise count olafs tatow
It symbolise the birth of Jesus
they symbolise everything
depends but in maori it can symbolise death