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a blossom flower named after the daughter of the last prophet smells awesome

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Zaynab is an Arabic name for girls meaning "beauty" or "adornment." It is a popular name in the Middle East and other regions with a significant Muslim population.

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What does the name Zaynab mean?

it means gentle like a flower

When was Zaynab Alkali born?

Zaynab Alkali was born in 1950.

When was Zaynab Khadr born?

Zaynab Khadr was born in 1979.

What is the population of Sayyidah Zaynab?

Sayyidah Zaynab's population is 136,427.

When did Zaynab bint Khuzayma die?

Zaynab bint Jahsh was born in 593.

When was Zaynab bint Khuzayma born?

Zaynab bint Khuzayma was born in 595.

Does Muhammad have a little girl?

Yes, he had four daughters. Their names were Zaynab, Ruqayya, Umm Kulthum and Fatima. He also had three granddaughters. His granddaughter by Zaynab was named Umama. His granddaughters by Fatima were Zaynab and Umm Kulthoom. By his first wife, Khadija, he had a stepdaughter, Hind. By his sixth wife, Hind, he had two stepdaughters, Barrah (renamed Zaynab) and Durrah (renamed Ruqayya). By his eighth wife, Ramla, he had one stepdaughter, Habiba.

Does he want to get married to a girl called zaynab akram?


Did Fatima bint muhammed had daughter?

Yes, she had two daughters, Zaynab and Umm Kulthum.

Why did he married this two -zaynab bint khuzayma and zaynab bint jahsh?

because they were the mother's of his kids ************************************************************* By "he", I suppose you mean Mohammed, the prophet of Islam. First off, neither of them bore him any children, before, during or after being married to him, so that was not the reason. It is said that Mohammed married Zaynab bint Khuzayma because she was a poor widow with no means of support. This is not strictly true, as she had three brothers and two brothers-in-law in Medina and a rich uncle in Mecca. If Zaynab hadn't remarried, one of these men would have had a moral duty to look after her. It is also said that the Battle of Uhud left a great many widows, and that Mohammed exhorted his men to marry them so they could have homes. This may or may not be true, but in fact Mohammed married Zaynab about a month BEFORE Uhud. So it wasn't the specific reason why he married her. (In fact, Zaynab's third husband was one of those who died at Uhud. If he had never divorced her, she would not have been available to marry Mohammed at that time. So if Mohammed had wanted to reduce the number of homeless single women in the community, perhaps he should have made it more difficult for men to get divorces!) Some say that Mohammed wanted a son, so he was looking for a woman of childbearing age. Zaynab was about thirty. But she hadn't exactly proved fertile - and she had had FOUR previous husbands, three of whom had children by other women. Three of these men had been Mohammed's cousins, so perhaps he felt personally responsible for her. We don't really know much about this Zaynab because she died only a few months after marrying Mohammed. Not even the chattery Ayesha had much to say about her. Zaynab bint Jahsh was another of Mohammed's cousins. After her first husband died, Mohammed pressured her into marrying his adopted son, Zayd. Zaynab and her brother both protested, because her first husband had been an aristocrat while Zayd was an ex-slave. Furthermore, Zayd already had two wives, so being a third wife to such a low-status man would be even more humiliating for Zaynab. But Zaynab's brother was killed at the Battle of Uhud (as I've already mentioned above, for he had been the third husband of the other Zaynab), and then Allah sent down a revelation that Muslims were not allowed to disobey the Prophet's orders, so Zaynab had to marry Zayd. Proud and sharp-tongued, she made certain that this unwanted marriage would be unhappy. There are two theories about why Mohammed married the second Zaynab, but they are both connected with the same series of events. One day Mohammed accidentally saw Zaynab in her petticoat and realised she was very beautiful (and he presumably didn't mean her face, at which he'd been looking for 36 years!). Zayd offered to divorce Zaynab so that Mohammed could marry her, but because the custom was that a man could not marry his ex-daughter-in-law, Mohammed discouraged it. However, Zayd's home-life had become so uncomfortable that he divorced Zaynab anyway. Three months later, Mohammed received a revelation from Allah that he was ordered to marry Zaynab. He sent Zayd to deliver the message. He also received a revelation that adopted sons were not the same as real sons, so Zaynab had never been his daughter-in-law and it was all right to marry her. So there are two theories. One is that Mohammed HAD to marry Zaynab as a live demonstration of the principle that adoption did not count. Personally, I don't believe that Muslims are that stupid; I think a simple revelation from Allah that "adoption does not count" would have convinced most of them. The other theory is that Mohammed took a fancy to his daughter-in-law, so he kept on producing revelations from Allah until he was able to marry her. For the record, Ayesha believed the second theory. It was the day after Mohammed married Zaynab bint Jahsh that he received the revelation from Allah that all Muslim women should be veiled and should avoid social relationships with men. The timing suggests that Mohammed had worked out that if he could look at Zayd's wife, then other men might start looking at HIS wives! In fact, it was at his wedding to Zaynab that a man told Ayesha (then aged 13): "When Mohammed dies, I'll marry you." So yet another revelation that arrived on that day was that none of Mohammed's widows should ever remarry.

How did Genghis Kahn become powerful?

because misba zaynab in sjt in yr 8 2010 stinks .

Who put poison in Prophet Muhammad and his followers food?

A Jewish girl named Zaynab bint Al-Harith.