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Namaz teaches us that we should be close to Allah (SWA) and that we as his floowers should show due respect towards him. It is for us to show Allah (SWA) that we remember him constantly.

Allah ho Akbar, Allah ho Akbar, the sound we hear five times a day, the sound of Azan. Azan is a call for Namaz (Prayer) from Almighty Allah which tells the believers to come to the success. Indeed our success is hidden in the blessings of Almighty Allah.

What Namaz teach us is to be on time and no doubt being on time is a path to success.

Namaz teach us that if we bow in front of Allah five times a day, there is no any power we have to bow for the fulfillment of our needs.

Namaz teach us meet our society members, so that we can be well aware with the needs of other people and help them in time of need. In other words Namaz is a meet up of Muslim society.

Our brain is like a computer and it needs to be programmed constantly, otherwise, it can stray from the right path and Namaz is the programming for our brain to stay on the right path, the path of virtue and success.

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6mo ago

Namaz (Islamic prayer) teaches discipline, focus, humility, and connection to a higher power. It helps individuals develop a sense of gratitude, mindfulness, and spiritual growth. Through regular prayer, one can cultivate a sense of inner peace and strengthen their faith.

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Yes you do. You fitsly have to do the wudu again and then pray namaz again.

Is this right to offer namaz behind a Devbandi maulana?

Yes. Youmayoffer Namaz behind any Muslim. Only some sects of the Shias have different kind of namaz i janaza.

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Asan Namaz Kalimi has written: 'Hidaytul Muslemin'

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