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In Perga, Paul and his companions preached the Gospel to the people in the synagogue. Paul delivered a powerful sermon, but faced opposition from some Jews, leading him to turn his focus towards sharing the message with the Gentiles instead.

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Q: What did paul do in perga?
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How do you pronounce perga?

"Perga" is pronounced as PER-guh, with the stress on the first syllable.

Where did Mark desert Paul and Barnabas?

look at Acts 13:13 - 13 From Paphos, Paul and his companions sailed to Perga in Pamphylia, where John left them to return to Jerusalem.Mark is called John Mark so where it says John, it means John Mark - or Mark.He left them at Perga.

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Apollonius of Perga was known as 'The Great Geometer'.

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Who is the Greek prince of mathematics?

Apollonius of Perga Greek Geometer 262 b.c.e. – 190 b.c.e.

Who deserted Paul on his first missionary journey?

In Acts 15v36-41 a disagreement between Paul and Barnabas is recorded. The disagreement was about whether or not they should bring along John, who was also called Mark with them; Paul did not think it was wise because John (Mark) had left them during their previous journey.

Is Apollonius of perga single or married?

Apollonius of Perga, a renowned ancient Greek mathematician, is not known to have been married. His main focus was on his mathematical work, particularly in the field of conic sections.

Contributions of apollonius of perga to greek mathematics?

ummm . well he is real sexy n he has a realll big *#*#*

What words did Apollonius of Perga introduce into the language of mathematics?

He is credited with introducing the words: ellipse, parabola and hyperbola.

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