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Jimmy valentine: selfish, criminal, sneaky, evil etc.

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In "A Retrieved Reformation," the main character Jimmy Valentine is motivated by his love for Annabel Adams to reform and leave his criminal past behind. Annabel is motivated to see the good in Jimmy and believes in his potential for change. The detective Ben Price is motivated by his dedication to upholding the law and bringing criminals to justice.

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Q: What are the motivations of the characters sin the story a retrieved reformation?
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What is the retrieved reformatrion theme?

The correct spelling of the title is 'Retrieved Reformation' and not 'Retrieved Reformatrion.' 'A Retrieved Reformation' was written by O Henry. The theme of the story is that everyone can change.

What is the conflict between valentine and price in A Retrieved Reformation?

The conflict between Valentine and Price in "A Retrieved Reformation" arises from their differing perspectives on morality and law. While Valentine is a reformed criminal trying to leave his past behind, Price is a relentless lawman determined to bring him to justice for his past crimes. This conflict is central to the story's tension and resolution as both characters navigate their roles and motivations.

How fit is the title of the story a retrieved reformation to its content?

The title "A Retrieved Reformation" is fitting to the story's content as it encapsulates the central theme of personal transformation and redemption. The character of Jimmy Valentine goes through a significant change and reformation, making the title highly relevant.

What does Jimmy change his name in the story A Retrieved Reformation?

Jimmy changes his name to Ralph D. Spencer in the story "A Retrieved Reformation." He does this in an effort to start a new, reformed life as a respected member of society after his release from prison.

What is the genre of the story A Retrieved Reformation?

"A Retrieved Reformation" is a short story that falls under the genre of crime fiction or mystery. It combines elements of suspense, moral dilemmas, and a twist ending characteristic of the genre.

Who is billy in a retrieved reformation?

In "A Retrieved Reformation" by O. Henry, Billy is a fellow criminal who used to work with Jimmy Valentine before he went to prison. He plays a significant role in the story as he inadvertently leads to Jimmy's reformation by recognizing him and warning him about a potential trap.

What is the turning point in the story a retrieved reformation?

The turning point in "A Retrieved Reformation" is when Jimmy Valentine decides to use his safecracking skills for good by saving a child trapped in a vault, despite the risk of being caught. This act of selflessness leads to his reformation and ultimately changes the course of his life.

What does the title a retrieved reformation means?

I believe that it means that the main character in the the story has achieved, or retrieved, a reformation, as in reformed his character and or taken on a new life. This relates to the main character chosing an honest life over robbing banks for his living.

What is the external conflict of a retrieved reformation?

The conflict in the story is that ben price ia trying to always catch jimmy valantine

Who is jimmy valentine or Ralph d Spencer?

Jimmy Valentine is a fictional character created by O. Henry in the short story "A Retrieved Reformation." Ralph D. Spencer is a character from the same story who is also known as Jimmy Valentine, as he is a skilled safe-cracker who reforms his ways after falling in love.

What does Annabel Adams represent for jimmy in the story a retrieved reformation?

Annabel Adams represents a new chance at a different life for Jimmy in the story "A Retrieved Reformation." She symbolizes redemption, hope, and the possibility of a better future for him as he tries to leave his criminal past behind and start anew. She serves as his motivation to reform and become a better person.

Why did O Henry choose the title A Retrieved Reformation?

O. Henry chose the title "A Retrieved Reformation" to emphasize the theme of personal transformation and redemption. The story follows the journey of a criminal known for his past sins who seeks to turn his life around. The term "reformation" highlights the protagonist's efforts to change for the better and start anew.