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Paul was a good speaker and strong christian, he encouraged youngster like Titus and Timothy.. He also sang praise to god even when in prison.

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9mo ago

Saint Paul is known for his fervent commitment to spreading the Christian faith, his extensive writings in the New Testament that continue to influence Christian theology, and his role in establishing many early Christian communities. Paul is also admired for his perseverance in the face of persecution and his transformation from a persecutor of Christians to one of its most important advocates.

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11y ago

By loving only one God and having compassion and kindness for less fortunate people.

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Q: What are some outstanding characteristics of saint paul?
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Everything you ever wanted to know about St. Paul can be found in this biography.

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This depends as you could be talking about either St. Peter or St. Paul, both of whom are believed to be buried in Rome. St. Peter, by tradition, is buried under the main altar of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, where the Holy Pontiff celebrates Solemn Mass, and St. Paul is said, as of only about a decade ago, to be buried under the main altar of St. Paul Outside the Walls, also in Rome.Sidenote- some may disagree that Rome, which I speak of as including Vatican City, is not actually Vatican City. This is true.

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Saint Paul became a saint through his continued devotion to spreading Christianity, writing numerous letters that are now part of the New Testament, and enduring persecution for his beliefs. His teachings and martyrdom are central to his recognition as a saint in the Catholic Church.

Which recently deceased leader of the Catholic Church do some people want to declare a saint?

well one is definitely pope john Paul 11 i know that they are trying to declare him a saint