Um, uh I think you should trick him?
You are still the wife until the divorce goes comes through.
The mans right during the pregnancy is practically none. It happens in her body so the rights are hers. After the baby's born he has rights as a dad.
A persons rights and duties depend on the morals an ethical code of the culture of which they are a part. These can vary.
three buttons from the top if you are at a club or bar
Three generations of human rights was created in 1979.
Mans life span changed greatly in the bible, till the flood and Noah manned lived seven to nine hundred years, then after the flood it is 70 years as the Psalms 90 says mans life is three score and a half.
john Locke
one two and three
The three most basic natural rights are life, liberty, & property.
This is only because it was previously named in times where women did not have rights. It is definetely not just a mans world anymore!