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Yes. It is the Arabic word for God.

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βˆ™ 5mo ago

In Islam, Allah is the Arabic word for God. Muslims believe that Allah is the one true God, and the same God worshiped by Christians and Jews.

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Q: Is Allah just another word for God?
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Do you hate Allah?

no. Allah is just another word for God except in Arabic.

Do Allah and God coexist?

Allah is just the Arabic word for God. They are not two different entities. Arab Christians use the word "Allah" just as do Arab Muslims.

Why do people believe that Allah is God when Allah is just a word that means God?

"Allah" is the Arabic word for "God", while "elah" is the Arabic word for "god". Please refer to the link for more information.

What do you mean when you say Allah is wise?

Well Allah is basically just another word for God except in Arabic and it is just like how we all know that God is wise and he is the greatest and all powerful. God is wise in the sense that he knows all things. So in short Allah means God and God is the most wise.

Who is the Islamic Alla?

Allah is just another word for God except in Arabic. God and Allah are the same except Muslims believe that God has no exact shape is more of a extremely heavenly light and not in the form of a man.

Is Allah the name of God or is there another Arabic word for god?

There are 99 names for God in Islam. Click the link.

Why Christian are not use the name of Allah in the bible?

Allah is the name of the Muslim god. The Christian god is just called god. Did you know Amen is an Arabic word? It means-Oh Allah, accept our prayers, but both Christians and Muslims use this word.

Is Allah an important person in Islam?

No. Allah is the Arabic word for "God", so this is not a person. However, God is very important in Islam, just as God is important in Christianity.

Who was the word of god revealed to in Muslim?

Allah is the Muslims word for God. However, Allah is the Arabic word of God, the same God for Jews and Christians. In the Arabic version of the Bible, it is used the word Allah for God. Arab Christians say Allah (as God in English) and they say in Arabic 'Isa Ibn Allah' that means Jesus son of God (Isa in Arabic is Jesus, Ibn in Arabic is son, and Allah in Arabic is God).

What if you believe in Allah but are not a Muslim?

If you believe in God then you believe in Allah. The name Allah is only the Arabic version of the name of God. Every Language has their version of the name of God. The word God is the English version. There are many Arab Christians that say Allah too. It is not just the Muslims who say Allah.

Does Allah means god?

Yes. It's simply the Arabic word for God, just as "Dieu" or "Gott" or "Elohim" are words for "God" in French, German, and Hebrew. Literally, "Allah" means "The God" ("al" = the, "lah" = god).

Who named Allah?

Allah is the Arabic word for "God".