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There is nothing in the Bible about Peter's crucifixion as the final books of the Bible had been written before he died. 2000 years of Catholic tradition have always held the the method pf Peter's death was by crucifixion upside down.

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6mo ago

The Bible does not specifically mention Peter being crucified upside down. However, a tradition in early Christian writings attributes Peter's crucifixion in this manner as a request of his own, considering himself unworthy to die in the same way as Jesus. This tradition is found in texts outside of the Bible.

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9y ago

The Bible does not say how or when Peter died, but it is most unlikely that he died by being crucified upside down.

The tradition about Peter's death began when the venerable Polycarp of Smyrna had tried to win an argument with the mid-second century pope Anicetus (156-166) on a matter of theology, by saying that he spoke with the authority of the apostle John. In response, Anicetus said that Peter was beheaded by Nero in Rome and that he spoke with the authority of Peter. In this first mention of Peter's death, he was beheaded, not crucified. Then in the third century, the Church Father Origen changed the story somewhat, saying that Peter, condemned to crucifixion, felt himself unworthy to be crucified the same way as his Lord, and so chose crucifixion upside down.

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