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  1. God says that if Adam eats from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, then the day that he does so, he will die (Gen 2:17). But later Adam eats the forbidden fruit (3:6) and yet lives for another 930 years (5:5)

* Adam did die, not sure why this is listed as not fulfilled. Once Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit they no longer we able to live in Eternity with God, which would include never dying.

  1. As a punishment for killing Abel, God says Cain will be "a fugitive and a vagabond."(4:12) Yet in just a few verses (4:16-17) Cain will settle down, marry, have a son, and build a city. This is not the activity one would expect from a fugitive and a vagabond.

* This one is also falsely represented. Cain was sentenced to the land of Nod, Nod a Hebrew word for wandering. Cain did settle down and continue living but he was cast out of God's presence as part of his punishment.

  1. God promises Abram and his descendants all of the land of Canaan.13:15, 15:18, 17:8, 28:13-14. But both history and the bible (Acts 7:5 and Heb.11:13) show that God's promise to Abram was not fulfilled.
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There is no definitive answer to this question as interpretations vary. Some people believe there are still several prophecies in The Bible that have not yet been fulfilled, while others believe all prophecies have been fulfilled. It ultimately depends on individual beliefs and interpretations.

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Q: How many Biblical prophecies are not fulfilled yet?
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Is it possible to put an end to a prophecy?

AnswerIs it possible to cause a prophecy not to come true? Of course. Actually, many biblical prophecies have never come true. Or as some Christians assert, have not yet occurred. So, if you think something has been prophesied but has not yet occurred, perhpas it never will. In any case, you can simply remove the context in which it could occur, and then you know it will never occur.AnswerFor true prophecies, not completely. The prophecy that is fulfilled always remains exactly that - fulfilled prophecy. Others are still pending or may be in the process of being fulfilled.

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No the anti Christ has not yet come, as some prophecies are still to be fulfilled.

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Mainly Syria ['Damascus'], but also includes Jordan ['Ammon' & 'Moab']. Although some of these prophecies have already been fulfilled in part, they are yet to be completelyfulfilled.

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Some believe that the Book of Revelation provides prophecies about the future. If it does, none of these prophecies seems to have come to pass as yet.

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It's often not the case the prophecy must be fulfilled within the lifetime of the prophet since the Messianic prophecies have not be fulfilled to this day. (Christians will argue that a subset of the prophecies have not yet been fulfilled and will be fulfilled when Christ returns.) However, if a prophet believes that he will be alive to see the prophecy come true, he usually announces as much. For example, Moses would perform prophetic miracles right in front of adversaries and kinsmen alike. Isaiah prophesied that a young boy would soon be born to a then-pregnant woman and would be named Emmanuel and this happened in the subsequent few months (because you can only be pregnant for so long). As a result, when prophecy is supposed to happen soon, the prophet will usually indicate as much.

Was the sighting of the Virgin Mother Mary in Garabandal approved by the Roman Catholic Church?

Not yet. The Garabandal Events are still under investigation by the Vatican. The prophecies have yet to be fulfilled, which consists of the "Warning," the "Miracle," and the "Great Sign," and then the approval will come. Garabandal is not condemned and people can go there on pilgrimage. Priests can celebrate mass and hear confessions too.

Is a prophecy about Israel that is yet to be fulfilled found in Deuteronomy chapter 32 v 1-43?

Yes. While the bulk of those verses have been strikingly fulfilled, the last few (36-43) have not yet been fulfilled (at least not completely).

Was the world suppost to end in 2000?

No, the world was not suppose to end in the year 2000. It's just that some people "thought" it was going to end, because of the wrong belief that computers were going to shut down, and that the year 2000 was 6000 years after Creation, which would usher in the period of the 1000 year millennium "rest".Many people have thought that the world was going to end on various dates throughout history, but they did not take into account ALL Biblical signs of the end times.Today, we are living in a time where ALL the signs of the end times have been fulfilled, so we know for certain that we are living in the last days. But there are other prophecies still to be fulfilled yet, before Christ Jesus returns.

Do anyone knows whether the comforter that Jesus Christ mentioned has come or is yet to come?

Well, it really depends who you ask... I may be wrong, but I think "the comforter" is one of the prophecies in the Bible which, according to Bahá'ís, is fulfilled with the Bahá'í revelation. It might refer to Bahá'u'lláh.Others will not agree that this prophecy has already been fulfilled, and will expect "the comforter" to appear some time in the future - or perhaps even, that no such comforter will appear at all.

How long does it take for a prophetic work to come to pass?

This depends entirely on the particular prophetic message. Much prophetic speaking in the Old Testament, at least, was telling God's message which was directly relevant to the people of that day -such as when the prophets denounced various sins. Messages regarding future events had a particular time in which they were to be fulfilled. This varies with each prophecy. Some prophecies also have a 'double meaning' with both a near future and a fulfillment further into the future. A number of Daniel's prophecies are yet to be fulfilled and so that would make them around 2,400 years old.

Is the antichrist alive yet?

I believe he is because all other biblical prophecy has been fulfilled except for the rebuilding of the Jewish temple. The man of sin will be revealed, and he will sit in the temple showing that he is God. Daniel prophesied about knowledge increasing, Isaiah about nuclear war. We are here.

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Opinion: We are in the last days of this age. The world will go on, but this age of things as we know it will pass away shortly. Jesus warned to know the signs and times that we are living. According to Bible prophecy many endtime prophecies have already been fulfilled. For instance, look at the nation of Israel. God said in the last days Israel would rise again from the ashes and bloom like a rose. Israel is today a rose. Some prophecies are yet to be fulfilled, like the Mark of the Beast. We will be required to take a mark in our hand or forehead, to buy or sell. I see that happening soon, as the technology is now in place to fulfill this prophecy. Time is short, so keep looking up.