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No, not all bishops become saints. According to these quotes
“The floor of hell is paved with the skulls of bishops.†attributed to St. Athanasius, Council of Nicaea, AD 325.

“I do not think there are many among Bishops that will be saved, but many more that perish.†attributed to St. John Chrysostom, Extract from St. John Chrysostom, Homily III on Acts 1:12.

Bishops are humans but they are also shepherds and, therefore, have a great responsibility for leadership and will be held responsible for their actions if they lead people astray.

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6mo ago

Yes, there are popes who have been recognized as saints by the Catholic Church. For example, Pope St. John Paul II and Pope St. John XXIII are two recent popes who have been canonized as saints.

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13y ago

For a complete list of all the popes that indicates which are considered as saints and which have active causes for sainthood, click on the link below.

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Q: Are there any popes who became saints?
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There have been about 80 popes who are considered as saints. Some of these were declared saints in the early Church before the canonization process existed. Others are in various stages of canonization. See the complete list of popes and you will find all the popes who are saints, canonized saints and candidates for sainthood.

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Saint Peter and Saint Gregory the Great are the patron saints of popes. There is no female patron of popes.

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There are about 80 popes considered as saints in the Catholic Church.

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Actually, there is only a small percentage (about a third) of popes who are canonized as saints. Not all of our popes have been really holy men deserving of the title of Saint. In fact, there may be several who are not even in Heaven. Popes are human and not gods. They are subject to the same temptations as everyone on earth, probably even more so. Because a pope is responsible for so many souls, God tends to judge them a bit more strictly. Of 266 popes in the history of the Church, only about 80 are saints and several others are at various stages in the canonization process.

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There have been a number of saints named Francis but none of them have been popes.

What were the popes' names before they became popes?

The list is too large to publish here so click here for where you can find a list of all the popes and their birth names.

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There are three popes named Sixtus who are saints. Please specify one of them.