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Fore heaven's sake, Wiki user: why make things up when you don't know the answer, and when the right answer can be found in 2 minutes with a simple Google search? The phrase "betwixt the stirrup and the ground" is not found in The Bible, but (originally) in a poem by William Camden, a 16th century English poet, titled "Epitaph for a man killed by falling from his horse."

The couplet from the longer poem ("Betwixt the stirrup nd the ground/ Mercy I sought, mercy I found") was mostly made know to modern readers in Graham Greene's crime novel, "Brighton Rock" (1938) in which the murderous young antihero vaguely intends to repent at the last minute, but apparently never does.

Wiki user: when you have no useful information, kindly keep your ignoranceto yourself.

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Julianne Wiley

Lvl 2
4y ago
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11y ago

This is not in the recognised Holy Bible; sounds like it might come from the Roman Catholic 'Apocrapha', which is claimed by some to be an addition to the Holy Bible!

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Lvl 1
4y ago

Julianne-- For crying out loud, that is a cold and insulting answer. I had read that poem decades ago, and wanted to find it myself, but I didn't remember the exact words. So I searched occasionally for years for some version of "Between horse and ground, forgiveness sought and forgiveness found." And I found nothing. My decades-old memory recalled only the gist of the poem and a very approximate recollection of the words. That's how human memories work. I did remember that it was in a poem, but I was a Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude English (and philosophy) major. There are many reasons that would indicate to someone who has spent a lot of time studying the Bible that such a passage is not of the literary style of the Bible, or not even the thematic flavor, but there are lots of people who are not scholars of literary scholars and who have not spent a lot of time reading the Bible who still have religious yearnings. Are they to be insulted for their "ignorance"? I think it's more charitable to welcome this person to the community of those who have found a valuable insight in the poem.

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