If I understand your question correctly, Zen developed out of the Mahayana tradition. Tibetan tradition is different from both Mahayana and Zen.
-Theravada Buddhism -Mahayana Buddhism (Zen)
zen, mahayana and therevana are the different types of Buddhism The is Hinayana the original of the buddha, Mahayana, Vajrayana, and Nagarjuna
Some of the SECTS of Buddhism are Theravada, Mahayana, Tibetan, and Zen Buddhism. Buddhism is a religion, and therefor it has no "religions".
To discuss different branches of Buddhism is to discuss different sects or varieties of Buddhism. Buddhist scriptures are commonly divided into Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana. Zen Buddhism is a kind of Mahayana Buddhism. .
That will be Confucianism and Mahayana Buddhism (Zen).
Buddhism is structured into several different schools of thought. For instance, there is Mahayana Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism, zen Buddhism, Nichiren Buddhism, and Pure land Buddhism.
If you are referring to Sects, there are numerous sects in Buddhism. Probably the most famous are Mahayana, Theravada, and Zen.
Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki has written: 'Manual of Zen Buddhism' -- subject(s): Buddha and Buddhism, Buddhist Gods, Gods, Buddhist, Sacred books, Zen 'The Awakening of Zen' 'Zen Buddhism And Psychoanalysis' 'Zen and Japanese culture' -- subject(s): Japan, Civilization, Zen influences, Zen Buddhism 'Zen and Japanese culture' 'MANUAL OF ZEN BUDDHISM' 'Essays in Zen Buddhism, second series' -- subject(s): Zen Buddhism, Addresses, essays, lectures 'Chan yu xin li fen xi' 'Zen and the Love of Nature' 'Genetica' 'On Indian Mahayana Buddhism' 'Studies in the Lankavatara Sutra' 'Zen Buddhism, selected writings' -- subject(s): Zen Buddhism, Buddhism, Bouddhisme zen, Zen 'Lankavatara Sutra' 'Mysticism' -- subject(s): Relations, Shin (Sect), Mysticism, Comparative studies, Catholic Church 'An introduction to Zen Buddhism' -- subject(s): Buddhism, Buddhist Monasticism and religious orders, Monasticism and religious orders, Buddhist, Zen Buddhism 'Outlines of Mahayana Buddhism' -- subject(s): Mahayana Buddhism 'Essays in Zen Buddhism-OSI' 'Studies in Zen' -- subject(s): Zen Buddhism, Philosophy 'The Training of the Zen Buddhist Monk' 'Zen Buddhism and psychanalysis' 'Mysticism' 'Buddha of Infinite Light' 'Zen and the Art of Tea' 'Buddha of the Infinite Light the Teachin' 'Sengai, the Zen master' 'Manual of Zen Buddhism -Op/73' 'Sengai' 'Mysticism, Christian and Buddhist' -- subject(s): Mysticism 'Nihonteki reisei' -- subject(s): History, Buddhism, Pure Land Buddhism 'Zen and the Samurai' 'The field of Zen' -- subject(s): Zen Buddhism, Addresses, essays, lectures 'Sengai'
There are three major strands of Buddhism which are, Mahayana, Theravada, Vajrayana. If you include Ch'an / Zen Buddhism as a separate school then you have four.
Theravada, Mahayana, & Vajyana. The 2 most well known Buddhist sects are Zen & Tibetan. Zen falls under the Mahayana denomination, & Tibetan falls under the Vajyana denomination.
Korean Buddhism is somewhat concerned with theological doctrines, as are many schools of Mahayana Buddhism. There are several forms of Buddhism practiced in South Korea, but the most common is the Chogye, the Korean Rinzai Zen school of Mahayana Buddhism. There is little truly distinct about Korean Buddhism. There is one element, however. In Mahayana Buddhism, there is the view that the Buddha left a successor, Mahakashyapa, as the second Buddhist patriarch. Zen Buddhism believes that the founder of Ch'an/Zen, Bodhidharma, was the tenth Buddhist patriarch. Most of Zen Buddhism believes that there were only 28 Buddhist patriarchs. The 28th gave his transmission to many successors, thus ending the lineage of Buddhist patriarchs. But there are two schools of Korean Rinzai Zen, Chogye and one other, which both believe that the head of their sect is the current patriarch of all Buddhism. Thus these two schools of Korean Rinzai Zen are sometimes referred to as "Patriarchal Zen".
The samurai prefer Shinto (Maybe Mahayana Buddhism) because it is Japanese tradition which was influenced from China mainland in the past.