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This is correct. The gospel says more about how you spend your money than on heaven and hell. The gospel is more about how you must live NOW, than what is in the future.

How did Jesus say to spend your money?

Spend it on the poor, the weak, the needy, your enemies. Zacchaeus sold everything he had and gave the money to the poor and what was Jesus' reply? "Salvation has come to this house". Something to think about while sitting in the church building that is worth $20 million...

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Q: You say that Jesus talked more about money then heaven and hell combined could you give me Biblical references attesting to this?
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No, Neveah is not a biblical name. It is a modern name that became popular in the early 2000s, created by spelling "heaven" backwards.

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Did Elijah write a letter after being taken to heaven?

No, there is no record of Elijah writing a letter after being taken to heaven. The biblical account in 2 Kings 2 mentions Elijah being taken up by a whirlwind into heaven, but there is no mention of him writing a letter after that event.