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mormons belief

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Q: Will Mormons go into heaven with their wrong belief's?
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Is it true that Mormons will never make it to heaven since they are truly not martyrs for Jesus?

You don't have to be a martyr to go to heaven. So no.

After reading or hearing The Secrets of Mormons book does it say they go to heaven?

I could find no record of any commercially published book called "The Secrets of Mormons". Perhaps you have the title wrong? There are many anti-Mormon books with similar titles, but obviously an anti-Mormon book would not say that Mormons go to heaven. If you'd like to learn about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church) from the source, please visit the "Related Link" below.

can they not go to hell?

This depends on your personal beliefs in heaven and hell.

are you sure you to go to heaven without dying?

This depends on your personal beliefs. Many believe that heaven and hell exist after death, but your beliefs may differ.

Is it true that if you grow up outside the Mormon religion you'll never make it to heaven as the Mormons teach?

There are no facts on what happens after death, if heaven exists there or not. If you believe in it you believe in it. The Mormons can be right or they can be wrong. Clearly other religions would not agree with them.As for what Mormons teach regarding this, the answer is NO. Mormons believe that as God loves all mankind, He wants to allow as many as possible to return to him and live with him in heaven. They believe that a huge majority of people will go to heaven, and only a very small part will be damned. They also believe that people may accept the gospel of Jesus Christ after death, before they are judged. In fact, the whole reason Mormons build temples is so that they can be baptized for those who have died. They believe that if they are baptized for someone who is dead, that person will have the opportunity to accept the baptism and and be saved. There are some links about this topic under "Related Links" below.

Do mosquitoes go to heaven?

Mosquitoes are insects and do not have souls like humans do. Different religions have different beliefs, but most agree that only beings with souls can go to heaven.

are you sure you to go to hell?

This depends on your personal beliefs. Many believe that heaven and hell exist after death, but your beliefs may differ.

How does ethics differ from cultural beliefs?

Ethics-The principles of right and wrong that are accepted by an individual or a social group. At birth there is implanted into every soul the ethics of right and wrong. This is a blessing given by a kind and loving father in heaven. Cultural beliefs are those which in some cases go against that which we know to be wrong. It is at this point that the blessing given to us is either used wisely or ignored.

are you sure you want to go to hell?

This depends on your personal beliefs. Many believe that heaven and hell exist after death, but your beliefs may differ.

Do Mormons believe they are the only religion going to heaven?

Mormons believe in the concept of multiple degrees of glory in the afterlife, and that people of various faiths can attain different levels of glory based on their beliefs and actions. They do not believe that they are the only ones who will go to heaven, but rather that different paths and opportunities for salvation exist for all individuals.

Do all the prophets go to heaven?

In Islamic belief, prophets are considered to be sinless and are guaranteed a place in heaven. However, it is not guaranteed for all humans to go to heaven as it is based on their beliefs and deeds.

Where do you go to after death?

Most of the relegions Belive that the good doers go to heaven and Wrong doers go to hell.