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Yes. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" Church) teaches that men and women are equal in importance to God and that He will reward them equally. Women will go to the same heaven as men.

The Church also teaches that couples who were married in the Church's temples (or 'sealed', if they joined the Church after marriage) will continue their marriage in heaven. How would they remain married in heaven if they weren't in the same heaven?

If you'd like to learn more about Mormon "Eternal Marriage", there are some good short videos at:

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Q: Will Mormon men and women be in the same heaven?
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God does speak to women. It's just not as widely heard of as the men. God speaks to whoever he wants to. ~*Answered by a Mormon*~

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According to Islam do spirits of the dead wander in the living world?

The simple answer to this question is "No". When a person dies they do not have any further contact with their family or friends despite the folkloric story that the dead may return after forty days. The concept is difficult to understand but Islamists believe that Heaven covers the entire universe. So one may ask "Where is hell?" Hell occupys the same space as heaven but in another dimension as The Prophet told his companions when they asked that same questsion. Islamic scholars are divided over the nature and form Heaven will take. There is the persistent idea that Heaven is a place of absolute bliss where there is no work to perform and no effort of any kind to be made. This idea of Heaven is very reflective of a perfect form of life on earth. This Heaven also ensures men that will have many women they will marry or who will tend to their every need. The will be rivers of milk, honey and wine. Other Islamic scholars believe Heaven is of a more spiritual nature where both men and women will also have everything they want and lack nothing. Will women resent that the men folk will have other women? No scholars say because men and women have different needs. Women are not as interested in sex as men are. Yet other scholars wonder if women go to Heaven at all.

How did the women movement begin?

it stated when women were not able to have the same rights as men. it stated when women were not able to have the same rights as men.