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Islamic Perspectives

Answer 1

Islam is the only Religion accepted by Allah, and yes even the Muslims will be punished if they do not follow the teachings of Islam and commit sins.

Answer 2

Muslims will be punished if committed sins and bad deeds and/or did not follow Islam teachings and ritual worships. However, God is All-Merciful and All-Forgiving if the Muslim repent by admitting his sin, intending not to repeat it again, and ask God for forgiveness.

Christian Perspectives

Answer 1

According to the Catholic and Orthodox Churches only those who receive the Eucharist are partaking of the Sacrifice through which the One True Christ redeemed humanity. Muslims having never been cleansed of original sin and their failure to be healed by the Sacrifice will suffer torment in Hell for these failures. There are some Protestant denominations that feel this even more strongly, such as the Modern Evangelicals in the United States and the Puritans of Old Massachusetts and there are Protestant denominations which play down this rhetoric such as the Methodists and Anglicans. The fact remains, however, that no Church has publicly claimed (except under duress) that Righteous Muslims will join Christians beyond the Pearly Gates.

Jewish Perspectives

Answer 1

Jews believe that not every person need abide by Jewish Law, only Jews are bound to such a requirement. Muslims, therefore, are held to the much more lenient standard afforded to all non-Jews called the Noahide Laws. In these laws are seven prescriptions for behavior. The Righteous Muslim, by virtue of his faith, complies with all seven measures and as such is granted a place in the world to come.

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Q: Will God punish Muslims because of religion?
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