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Yes christians hair will slowly wither to nothing !

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Q: Will Christian go bald
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Can a girl go bald?

Yes a girl can go bald because they could get really sick. I am not sure. Sorry

How long does it take to go completely bald?

Most balding men do not go completely bald (Norwood 7), but those who do, are usually terminally bald at 25, even earlier. If hair loss begins at 17-19, going completely bald takes usually less than 5 years. One can even go bald in less than a year, but it is rare. By Alopecia Areata one can go bald (Alopecia Totalis) overnight.

Did Justin bieber go bald?

no he did not

How do you get bald on woogi world?

go to the barbers (hairdressers) and there will be a selection of haircuts listed on the screen choose the once that says "bald cut" then someone will give you the haircut but it will automatically do it itself or go to the tailors shop and buy a bald cap then go to you wardrobe (cuboard) and choose to wear the bald cap

Why did demi lovoto go bald?

Demi lovato didn't go bald!! Stop asking stupid questions and wasting our time!!

If you use a straightener and a hair dryer every day will you go bald?

No you will not go bald. Your hair shaft can get damaged but you will not loose your hair.

Is it natural to be going bald at 16?

Yeah a lot of people are starting to go bald at early ages.

What is the bald eagle life spand?

bald eagles life span go up to 20 years.

When did bald eagles go exstinct?

They didn't