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Because religion in general has a stigma about it that many people still believe to be unable to criticize.

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Q: Why would people believe Islam is a peaceful religion?
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How many people believe in the religion islam?

A lot of people are believe in Islam religion....

Is Muslims religion peaceful?

A Muslims religion is peaceful, but nowadays it doesnt seem peaceful because some people who arent adhering to what the religion says and these people's bad actions are show around the world. Islam, a Muslim's religion, is very peaceful. For example war isn't supposed to be waged unless you are attacked or see an attack coming. Another thing is in Islam you are not allowed to hurt people physically or emotionally, if you do this is sinful and you should apologized to whoever you have hurt. Islam is peaceful, people just need to follow it properly.

Believe in God in Islam?

Yes, muslim's(people who follow the religion of Islam) believe in God.

Is Islam an awesome religion?

Yes Islam is most awesome religion on Earth and a lot of people converted into Islam about how amazing and peaceful it is so convert now if you want to have a good life.Yes, it is a lot of people converted into Islam because they heard a lot of good things about Islam now they have a good life, so I recommend to convert to Islam if you want to have a peaceful life don't let anyone tell you it is not a good religion.

What religion do people believe in one god called Allah?


What religion do people that live in Arab believe in?

Most of them worship Allah (sp), which is the religion Islam.

Where is the religion Islam found?

Many people believe that the religion of Islam was founded by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the land of Arabia. However, Muslims believe that all the prophet's brought the religion and message of Islam and hence there is no single one place where Islam was founded.

Is the musslem and Islam the same religion?

Answer:They both are the same in a way because people who believe in Islam are called Muslims. It is also different because Muslims are the people that believe in Islam but are not Islam itself, Islam is a religion while Muslims are people who believe in it. As an example Lava and Magma are the same but still different. Lava is magma but is cooler in temperature and has been exposed to air. Magma is the opposite it is lava that is hotter in temperature and has not yet touched air, it is also lava that is beneath Earth's surface. That may not be the best example for Islam and Muslims but is fairly appropriate.ANSWER:The followers of Islam are called Muslims. For example who follow Christianity are called Christian and who follows Buddhism are called Buddhists.

What made Islam turn from peaceful to violent?

Islam is always a peaceful religion and never turns to a violent religion. Only some minorities of Muslim extremists; as in all other religions and faiths; are violent.

Does the Islamic region believe in terrorism?

Islam is a peaceful religion. It does not believe in terrorism. All humans are the off-spring of one couple and breteren. No one should hate any one.

What is the major religion in Egypt?

I believe it is Islam.

What religion do Islam people believe in?

Muslims believe in the religion of Islam. Islam is monotheistic, believing in one god, and follows the teachings of the prophet Muhammad as revealed in the Quran. Muslims practice the Five Pillars of Islam, which include faith, prayer, charity, fasting, and pilgrimage to Mecca.