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The Twelve apostles chose Seven Greek men to oversee the distribution of Church resources (Acts 6), especially to the widows and orphans. Ostensibly, this meant a division of labor: preaching and prayer by the Twelve, community administration by the Seven.

However, the only two of the Seven (Stephen and Phillip) whose activities are recorded by the Acts of the Apostles performed ministry identical to that of the Twelve. More likely, it was to have a group of leaders representing the Greek-speaking Christians on par with the Twelve, who represented the Hebrew-speaking Christians.

Though the office of deacon is attested to in the New Testament, none of the Seven are named as deacons. It is not until Irenaeus of Lyons (d.202) that the Seven are identified as deacons. Tradition follows the example of Irenaeus, however, and the first martyr, Stephen, is often depicted also as the first deacon.

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Q: Why were the first seven Deacons chosen?
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