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They expected a physical leader, not a spiritual one.

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Q: Why were the Jews not ready for the son of god?
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Is Jesus known as the God of the Jews?

Perhaps in Christian belief. In Judaism, however, there is no such concept. See:Why didn't the Jews believe in Jesus?What do Jews believe about God?

Is Hercules the son of Yahweh?

Hercules is the son of Zeus, who was a Greek/ Roman mythological god. Yahweh (or Yhwh) is the name of God, the God of Jews and Christians

Are Jews jealous of Jesus because he was son of God?

A:No. Quite the reverse - they feel they have no reason to believe Jesus was the son of God.

Do jews have 1 god with many in it?

Jews believe in one God. They do not believe Jesus was God's son, so they do not have trinity like Christians. The trinity is the term used for God, his son, and the Holy Spirit all being part of one God, because it is not a polytheistic religion.

Do Jews follow Christianity?

Some Jews are Christians but most are not. It is because Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God, the Messiah, who died as the lamb of God, a sacrifice for all who believe. Jews do not believe this.

What does Son of God signifies?

It depends on where in the bible you are reading,If you are in the New Testament they probably are the 144,000 Jews sealed by God.

Will Israeli Settler Jews bring an end to Earth in 2060?

God will end the world when He is ready.

Why most of the Jews does not take Jesus as the Son of the living God?

Jewish people believe that Jesus was a prophet, not the Messiah, and not the Son of God. They believe that the Messiah is still to come.

Who is Jesus and is He the son of God or is He God himself?

Answer A : He is the Son of God.Answer B (Muslim view)Jesus (peace be upon him) is neither God nor son of God. He is one of the greatest prophets who called Jews and other people to worship God; the Creator, as one and only one God with no partner, no son, no father, no companion, no associate, and no equivalence.

What reason did the Jews say that Jesus should die?

"Because he made himself the Son of God." - as the scripture says: The Jews answered him, We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of God. (John 19.7)

What are the many names that Jesus is called?

masiah, king of jews. jesus christ, son of God

Is it true that Christians and Jews believe in the same God of Abraham and both share the belief in Creation however they differ in the belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Messiah?

Yes...Jews do not believe either.