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That's a really good question! Genesis, Chapters 1 and 2, of the Jewish Talmud and the standard Christian Bible tell us of God's creation of the universe. On each day, creation became more and more complex, until He finished with His creating.

Man is the masterpiece of creation because:

  1. Man was the final creature that God created.
  2. God gave man dominion over the earth and all that was in it.
  3. We have no reason not to think that God created man with his very hands, because he created woman with his very hands.
  4. God created man in His image; no other creature was so honored and elevated.
  5. Man was perfect--a perfect completion to his perfect creating..

For Christians, another argument can be made that we are God's masterpiece of creation. He died for us.

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Q: Why we are the master piece in the creation story of god?
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