Grillmeier's Commentary on Vatican II is contained in the Catholic Theological Dictionary Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche , supplementary volume 2.
Because the Bishops had accomplished what they set out to do and voted to officially end the Council.
Vatican Council II (1962 - 1965) was held in Vatican City located in Rome, Italy.
renewed integral evangelization shows the difference between the pre-Vatican II and the post-Vatican II view. Renewed integral evangelization suggests that instead of being passive recipients of blessings, we set out and live out the Gospel.
Vatican II lasted approximately 3 years: 1962-1965.
renewed integral evangelization shows the difference between the pre-Vatican II and the post-Vatican II view. Renewed integral evangelization suggests that instead of being passive recipients of blessings, we set out and live out the Gospel.
In Vatican City, thus the name Vatican Council II.
Popes John XXIII and Paul VI were popes during Vatican II.
Pope Paul VI closed Vatican II.
Gilles Routhier has written: 'Vatican II' -- subject(s): Catholic Church, History, Influence, Vatican Council (2nd : 1962-1965) 'Receptins De Vatican II'
Pope John Paul II died in the Vatican in April 2005.