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God spoke to him (Genesis ch.6). Nonetheless, he is not listed as one of the forty-eight prophets (Talmud, Megillah14a, commentaries), since he himself is not recorded as having spoke for posterity.

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In religion, a prophet, from the Greek word προφήτης (profétés) meaning "advocate", is an individual who is claimed to have been contacted by the supernatural or the divine, and to speak for them, serving as an intermediary with humanity.

Noah warned people of a great flood, he told them to repent and change their ways

Genesis chapter 6 verse 5.....

Consequently Jehovah (Gods name in English)

saw that the badness of man was

abundant in the earth and every

inclination of the thoughts of

his heart was only bad all the time.

6 And Jehovah felt regrets

that he had made men in

the earth, and he felt hurt at

his heart.

7 So Jehovah said:

"I am going to wipe men whom

I have created off the surface of

the ground, from man to domestic

animal, to moving animal and

to flying creature of the heavens,

because I do regret that I

have made them."

8 But Noah

found favor in the eyes of Jehovah.

9 This is the history of Noah.

Noah was a righteous man.

He proved himself faultless

among his contemporaries. Noah

walked with the true God.

10 In time Noah became father

to three sons, Shem, Ham and


11 And the earth

came to be ruined in the sight of

the true God and the earth became

filled with violence.

12 So God saw the earth and,

look! it was ruined, because all

flesh had ruined its way on the earth.

13 After that God said to

Noah: "The end of all flesh has

come before me, because the

earth is full of violence as a result

of them; and here I am bringing

them to ruin together with the earth.

Noah is not a fictitious character, as he is mentioned also in the New Testament:

Luke 17:26, Matthew 24:37 and Hebrews 11:7

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14y ago

no he was a patriarch

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