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I assume you are referring to the prayer that brought about his first vision? Joseph Smith was trying to find a church to join and turned to The Bible for answers. He read James 1:5, which says, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God." That phrase really struck him, so he decided he would ask God which church to join.

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Q: Why was Joseph smith inspired to pray to god?
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What is a major event that Joseph smith did?

Well as a 14 year old boy, Joseph Smith was searching which church to join. He went to many many churches and after reading James 1:5 he decided to ask God himself which church he should join. Young Joseph went into a grove miles away from home and knelt down to ask God. When he began to pray a dark spirit (the devil) came upon Joseph and he felt as though he was being completely taken over. He called upon God to save him, and as he did, a light appeared and in the light were the 2 personages. These 2 personages were God the Eternal Father and Jesus Christ, who then told Joseph to join none of the churches and that the restored gospel of Jesus Christ would be brought forth again through Joseph Smith. Long story short, the Major event that Joseph Smith did... was restore the true gospel of Jesus Christ.

What religion celebrates Joseph smith?

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) celebrate Joseph Smith as a prophet of God.

Who can a Catholic pray to besides the God?

Catholics pray to Mother Mary, St. Joseph - the father of Jesus Christ and they can pray to all saints. There are patron saints for almost each and everything. So in times of difficulty when you pray to these saints, these saints in-turn pray to God on your behalf and the petitions are answered soon.

Who witnessed Joseph Smith speaking to god?

Joseph Smith had several visions, some of which were witnessed by others and some of which were private events. While Joseph Smith heard the voice of God the Father and Jesus Christ many times, he records seeing God the Father bodily only once - in his first vision in 1820. This was a private event in which Joseph Smith saw the Father and Son, both of whom spoke to him. Joseph Smith does not record speaking to God, only God speaking to him. Nobody else was present. Joseph Smith and two others - Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer - later heard the voice of God from heaven saying that the Book of Mormon was true. They did not see God or speak to Him, only heard His voice. On another occasion, Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon together experienced a vision which showed the Father and Son in heaven. We know that at least one other, Philo Dibble, was present in the room but did not see the vision. It is possible that John Johnson and others were also there. Philo Dibble wrote that Joseph and Sidney sat motionless for about an hour, each describing what they were seeing. In January 1836 several church leaders gathered in the Kirtland Temple in Ohio. Joseph Smith had a vision of the Father and Son, as well as others, in heaven. Nobody else saw the vision, but they witnessed Joseph having the vision. In April 1836, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery met together to pray in the Kirtland Temple. Together they had a vision of Jesus Christ, who spoke to them. Moses, Elias, and Elijah were also a part of this vision. The vision is recorded in Doctrine and Covenants Section 110.

Is Joseph Smith a member of the godhead?

No, definitely not. To say so would be blasphemy. Joseph Smith is a prophet - similar to Moses, Noah, or Abraham. The Godhead consists only of God the Father, Jesus Christ (the Son of God), and the Holy Spirit.

Why did Joseph Smith need help with the translation of the gold plates?

Joseph Smith translated the gold plates by the gift of God. He needed God to help him translate because he was translating from a lost language that no longer exists and because what he was translating is scripture - the word of God. Joseph Smith also had a scribe to assist him. The scribe did not help with the actual translation, he just wrote as Joseph Smith translated out loud, in order to save time. The scribes also served as valuable witnesses to the authenticity of the Book of Mormon and the existence of the gold plates.

What were Brigham Young's last words?

Brigham Young's last words were "Joseph, Joseph, Joseph" presumably about the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.

Was Joseph smith a pervert?

No. There is no evidence that Joseph Smith was attracted to young children. He was 'sealed' to a couple of younger girls (14-18) in his late 20's and early 30's, but there is no evidence that he ever had a romantic or sexual relationship with them.

Do catholics believe in praying to anyone other than God?

Yes Catholics do believe in praying to Virgin Mary, St Joseph and all other saints. They do pray to God, but also believe praying to Mary, Joseph and the saints and the observation is that the favours are granted pretty soon. The belief lies in - saints pray on their behalf to GOD so the petitions get answered soon.

Did you know Joseph Smith said religion is a lie as told to him by God that none of the churches are true except for the one Joseph Smith came up with which is a mutation of Christianity and a lie duh?

No I didn't know that. Do you know that Christianity is not about religion, it is about relationship a person's relationship with God.

Do Muslims believe that God hears our prayers?

Muslims pray. People do not pray unless they believe God hears. Praying is communication with God.Muslims pray. People do not pray unless they believe God hears. Praying is communication with God.Muslims pray. People do not pray unless they believe God hears. Praying is communication with God.Muslims pray. People do not pray unless they believe God hears. Praying is communication with God.Muslims pray. People do not pray unless they believe God hears. Praying is communication with God.Muslims pray. People do not pray unless they believe God hears. Praying is communication with God.

Why Joseph Smith's first vision?

Joseph Smith's first vision is what started the Restorationism movement. The denominations who teach of Joseph Smith's first vision vary in their accounts, but all agree that the vision presents some key doctrines that are missing in the majority of Christian denominations today. These key doctrines are that God speaks to men today as he did in Biblical times, and that mainstream Christianity has apostatized from the will of God. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (often called the "Mormon" Church) and some of it's offshoots teach that Joseph Smith saw God the Father and Jesus Christ in the vision, and that they had flesh and bones. The Community of Christ and some of their offshoots teach that Joseph saw a light and heard a voice. Either way, Joseph Smith's first vision paved the way for a new branch of Christianity- one that teaches that God still speaks, there are prophets today just as in ancient times, and that God has more to say to His children than only what is contained in the Bible. To learn more about Joseph Smith's first vision, visit the "Related Links" below.