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Constantine was/is one of the most hyped emperors. It seems as if more misconceptions have grown up about him than any other ruler except perhaps Cleopatra of Egypt. However, he was important regarding several issues. He finally, after civil war, united the empire. He treated the Christians kindly, stopped the harassment against them and even returned most of their property witch had been confiscated. He tried to unify their beliefs and stop their quarreling and out and out fighting which was one of the purposes of the big conference in Milan. The civil disturbances that were caused by the Christians were undermining the progress of the empire.

There was another area in which Constantine was a key figure, an that was the rebuilding of the ancient city of Byzantium and naming it after himself, Constantinople. Because of its strategic location, it was able to remain the capital of Rome, take in revenue, and last until 1453.

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Constantine ruled from 306 A.D.-337 A.D. He created a new capitol city in the east, naming it Constantinople. It was created for defense and had a great strategic location.

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