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People pray so that they do not have to worry. Praying to GOD allows him to take away your worry and act within your life.

Actually, God might not just take the worry away. However, as you begin to trust Him and become more yielded, and realize that none of us are in control, then you realize you have less to worry about.

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Q: Why pray when you can worry?
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the world is not going to end okay everybody pls pray because if we dont pray the world might end but according to gos speech the world is gonna end when it wants to dont worry but really pray pls

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One good way is to pray to God, a great way to get help, pray to him and ask him to help you be stronger to overcome your fears. Worry, fears only keeps you in darkness and that will not make you happy, ever. It's hard I know but find something else to think about, if you keep thinking about the thing that's making you sad and depressed, worry, fear will always run your life.

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Ok this one is totally easy...all you have to do is pray. pray pray prayyyyyy. tell God that you are giving all your concerns, all your problems, and all your worries to him. And you have to mean it when you say it. So if you are having problems...let them go...give them to God. It doesnt sound easy but it is. God will fix it in the right timing.

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pray, pray, pray

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Pray! PRAY PRAY PRAY! It really does help!

Do judasim people pray?

yes they so pray they pray for everything that they can pray for

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which pray was the first pray in Islam and who performed it and where.

Where does christains pray?

Christans can pray inthe church, or we can pray at home or for the matter we can pray anywhere.

How do you spell the present tense of pray?

The present tense of "pray" is spelled as "pray".