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Because the translated Bible versions today are very easy to read by anyone. It is good because many can begin learning about God, thus building on a relationship. However, for those that are prideful, such as the Pharisees were, The Bible can be used as a weapon (in other words quoted word-for-word but not the way the scripture was intended by God as the prideful use it in manipulation and for personal gain). The Holy Spirit is like a personal decoder in discovering the depths of the Bible where black and white text only covers just the surface. One scripture could have several messages behind it that better the Kingdom of God. The Holy Spirit brings Revelation to the word.

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Q: Why one can not understand scriptures unless it is revealed by Holy Spirit?
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No. Not unless there is more to the event that is not being revealed.

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You're not the spirit animal's type. Don't be sad though, there are other fish in the sea. Unless your spirit animal is a fish.... then you're just screwed.

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