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The question of morality all depends on each individual person. Who is to say it is only for one person?

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Beryl Cassin

Lvl 10
2y ago
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Cory Rohan

Lvl 13
2y ago

because they only have got brains.

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Q: Why morality only for person?
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Why is morality only for person?

The question of morality all depends on each individual person. Who is to say it is only for one person?

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That is really a personal question that only you can answer. Sexuality and morality differ from person to person, and one persons view on sex can vastly differ from another's.

What would you expect from a moral religious person?

A:I would expect the same standards from a moral religious person as from a moral non-religious person, no less. The one important difference would probably be the person's own assessment of the reason for his morality. The moral religious person is likely to attribute his or her morality to guidance from God; the moral non-religious person is likely to attribute his or her morality to conscience and a desire to do good for others.

What is the connection between morality and wisdom?

Morality is brought about by one having the wisdom to know the difference between good and bad morals. A wise person will have correct and acceptable moral standards, while an unwise person may have loose morals, morals which are not acceptable to the general public.

Does internet affect the morality of a person?

Yes, it seems that the Internet does affect the morality of a person. What is viewed on the Internet might initially cause shock or dismay but eventually becomes commonplace in some cases.

Who believed that the morality of a person is one seamless whole?

Morality as seamless is a common approach taken by deontologists (ethical thinkers preoccupied with our duties and obligations).

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Is a part of self or what makes you who you are?

Morality is a part of self or what makes you who you are. Morals and opinions are what defines a person.

What difference between objective and subjective morality?

Objective morality refers to moral rules or principles that are universal and independent of personal beliefs or opinions. Subjective morality, on the other hand, is based on personal feelings, beliefs, or opinions and can vary from one person to another. Objective morality tends to be fixed and unchanging, while subjective morality may be more flexible and open to interpretation.

What are the basis of morality of human acts?

The basis of morality in a human action is well defined and prescribed in all religions and their scriptures. A person who is religious or believes in religion shall not commit an immoral act

What is reflective morality?

Reflective morality is the internalized version of right and wrong from the elements of our upbringing. Reflective morality can include both religious morality, customary morality, and empathy.