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A predominantly blinded and deceived modern professing Christianity is unaware that the message Jesus brought, declaring the nearness of the Kingdom of God, is part of His dual covenant promise to Abraham.

"...I WILL MAKE OF THEE A GREAT NATION [the promise of the Kingdom; whose King is Christ]... and IN THEE SHALL ALL THE FAMILIES OF THE EARTH BE BLESSED [the promise of Salvation through Christ]." (Gen.12:2-3)

A religiously disoriented world, deceived by its god, Satan the Devil, has replaced Jesus' confirmation message of the fulfillment of His promise to Abraham... with a watered-down gospel of emotionally charged "Jesus loves me" beddy-bye stories.

And the "good news" [gospel] of the Kingdom remains grossly misunderstood in the hearts of millions of professing Christians; taking on as many meanings as there are people to voice them among their hundreds of denominations. To some, the Kingdom of God means nothing at all. To others, it means "going to heaven." To others, it's something inside of you... thus, fragmenting it into millions of tiny disjointed pieces within people. To others, it means anything you want it to mean.

And others believe it to be exactly what the prophecies declare it to be -- the future removal and takeover of God's Government on the earth of the perverted, bestial, Satan-guided and owned governments of man.

"And the Kingdom and Dominion, and the Greatness of the Kingdom UNDER the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose Kingdom is an EVERLASTING Kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey Him." (Dan.7:27)

"...there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world ARE BECOME THE KINGDOMS OF OUR LORD, and OF HIS CHRIST; and He shall reign FOR EVER and EVER." (Rev.11:15)

The Kingdom of God is the central theme of Jesus' preaching... because THAT'S THE CENTRAL MESSAGE OF THE BIBLE... and the central covenant promise God [Jesus, the Creator - John 1:3] made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob [the three patriarchs and fathers of the covenant] regarding Satan's temporary rule here on earth, and man's ultimate Salvation, freeing him from his chosen god's wicked grip and bondage to sin since his beginnings.

"Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision [Abraham's decendants] for the Truth of God, to CONFIRM THE PROMISES made unto the fathers." (Rom.15:8)

Jesus' preaching of the Kingdom of God was the long-awaited beginning of the fulfillment of the two covenant promises of the Kingdom of God and the Salvation of man: Jesus, Himself, being the administrator of the covenant; at once both King AND Redeemer.

The Kingdom's theme is not a new thing to The Bible. But it's new to the ears of many a modern professing Christian from whose denomination its Truth has been hidden for centuries by the god of this world.

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Q: Why it is that the kingdom of God is the central theme of Jesus' preaching according to the synoptic Gospels?
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