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It is. The Coptic Church is very much alive (although not widespread) and it uses the Coptic language.

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Q: Why isn't the Coptic language used anymore?
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What is coptic language?

Coptic is the final stage of the ancient Egyptian language, which was used in Egypt from around the 3rd century AD until the 17th century. It is primarily known for being the liturgical language of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria and is still used today in religious rituals. Coptic is written using the Coptic alphabet, which is based on the Greek alphabet with additional signs for Egyptian sounds.

What language is used in Coptic Catholic Church liturgies?

The languages used in the Catholic Coptic Church can be known as many things as it is written in the Ethiopian rite and the Alexandria rite (were the Coptic Church is from) the languages used are Icelantic.

What Egypt language?

The official language of Egypt is Arabic. Additionally, Coptic, a form of the Egyptian language, is still used as a liturgical language by the Coptic Christian community in Egypt.

What language did the Egyptians speak?

Ancient Egyptians spoke Egyptian, which was used from before about 2690 BC into the late 17th century AD, when it was called Coptic. Coptic is still the liturgical language of the Coptic Church, an independent branch of Christianity. Modern Egyptians speak Egyptian Arabic.

Good luck in Egyptian?

Egyptian language is now known as Coptic language which is the last version of the Egyptian language and it is still used till now by the Coptic people (the christian egyptian people) specially in churches, we do the big part of the mass in Egyptian (or coptic) language and some parts in Arabic language as well because not all the people understand Coptic. GOOD LUCK IN EGYPTIAN IS: OGAI KHEN EBSHOYS EGYPT: KIMI I AM FROM EGYPT: ANOK ORIMENKIMI GOOD MORNING: NANE TOOI GOOD EVENING: NANE ROHI THANKS: SHIPEHMOOT BYE: OGAAI

What is a coptic?

A Coptic Christian is a person who belongs to the Coptic Orthodox Church. Coptic means Egyptian in the Coptic language (Evolved language from the Ancient Egytpian language). However since the Islamic/Arab conquest of Egypt, it refers to Christians, namely the Eastern 'Oriental' Orthodox sect. The Coptic Orthodox church was founded by St.Mark and belongs to the Eastern 'Oriental' Orthodox church, not the Eastern Orthodox, because of a schism, heresy or misunderstanding between definitons on the nature of Christ. The Coptic Orthodox church is headed by the Pope and Patriarch of all Alexandria, Pope Shenouda the Third. Note the word Pope was used by the Coptic church before the Catholic Pope asserted primacy, hence the title of Bishop of Rome. However it is not used in the same way as the Roman Catholics do, which means authority, but as the word 'father' in latin, while Patriarch is 'father' in Greek. If you know nothing about Coptic Christians you may know that the Nicene Creed was written by one of its fathers. Rosary beads and Monastacism originated from one of its saints and most of the martyrs in Christianity were Coptic just to give an idea to other sects that may not be familiar.

What is coptic writing?

Coptic is the final development of writing in ancient Egypt. It is essentially the Greek alphabet, plus a few signs taken from the Demotic script to represent Egyptian sounds not found in Greek and it was used to write the Coptic language - the Egyptian Christian Church language which existed alongside Arabic. Coptic was heading for extinction by the late 1600s, until European scholars began to realise that an understanding of Coptic would assist in understanding ancient Egyptian and the interpretation of hieroglyphs. Sahidic Coptic uses 30 alphabetic letters including 6 derived from Demotic. These are called sei, fai, hori, djandja, chima, ti and represent s, f, h, g, c and ti.

How do you get the box dimension in club penguin in April 2012?

I dont think you can because there used to be box store but it isnt there anymore but you might be able to get it during the puffle party

What do Coptic Christians believe?

A Coptic Christian is a person who belongs to the Coptic Orthodox Church. Coptic means Egyptian in the Coptic language (Evolved language from the Ancient Egytpian language). However since the Islamic/Arab conquest of Egypt, it refers to Christians, namely the Eastern 'Oriental' Orthodox sect. The Coptic Orthodox church was founded by St.Mark and belongs to the Eastern 'Oriental' Orthodox church, not the Eastern Orthodox, because of a schism, heresy or misunderstanding between definitons on the nature of Christ. The Coptic Orthodox church is headed by the Pope and Patriarch of all Alexandria, Pope Shenouda the Third. Note the word Pope was used by the Coptic church before the Catholic Pope asserted primacy, hence the title of Bishop of Rome. However it is not used in the same way as the Roman Catholics do, which means authority, but as the word 'father' in latin, while Patriarch is 'father' in Greek. If you know nothing about Coptic Christians you may know that the Nicene Creed was written by one of its fathers. Rosary beads and Monastacism originated from one of its saints and most of the martyrs in Christianity were Coptic just to give an idea to other sects that may not be familiar.

What did scholars to help them decipher hieroglyphics?

The Rosetta stone and the Coptic language were what Champollion used to get a start on deciphering hieroglyphs. However, it soon became necessary to consider other inscriptions in order to broaden the vocabulary.

What did scholars study to help them hieroglyphics?

The Rosetta stone and the Coptic language were what Champollion used to get a start on deciphering hieroglyphs. However, it soon became necessary to consider other inscriptions in order to broaden the vocabulary.

What is an Australian slang for the word language?

Australians usually just refer to language as 'language'. However, one Australian term for language is lingo.The general term for Australian slang is "strine", but it is rarely used anymore.