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people live on Earth so they never thaught to name it as one of the "wanderers" which we call planets today, however in greek mythology there was a goddess of the earth named Gaea, and the same in roman culture was ceres, people also thaught that earth was the center of the universe at one point, so its just one giant circle of confusion believe what you want though. i believe Earth was made by God, and he named it as we call it today. that doesnt exactly answer the question but it does point out that it could have just as well been named Gaea or Ceres.

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Q: Why isn't earth named after a roman god?
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Earth is the only Planet that is not named after a Roman God.

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Yes, both Earth and Uranus are named after Roman gods. Earth is named after the Roman goddess of the Earth, Terra, while Uranus is named after the Roman god of the sky, Uranus.

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Uranus and Neptune are the two planets that are not named after ancient Roman deities. Uranus was named after the Greek god of the sky, while Neptune was named after the Roman god of the sea.

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No, Earth is the only planet not named after a Roman or Greek god or goddess; it is, instead, named after the the stuff we stand on: earth.

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Mars is named after the Roman god of war because it is red, which is a color associated with violence, battle or blood. Also, all the planets except Earth in our solar system are named after Roman Gods.

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no earth does not have a roman god. but its named after Gaea or Gaia mother of all titans and stuff her name now today is Earth or Mother Earth

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Is Earth the only planet not named after a god?

No, Earth is not the only planet not named after a god. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are also named after Roman gods. Only the Roman god Uranus differs from the Greek god pattern.