This is what's called a "geometric progression". Take a checkerboard and put a penny on the first square. Put two pennies on the 2nd square and twice that many on the 3rd square -- that's 4. Double it again, that's 8 pennies on the 4th square, 16 on the 5th, 32 on the 6th, 64 on the seventh and 128 on the 8th. That's one row down and 7 rows to go. See how fast those pennies pile up?
there are so many people on earth bullsh*ting everyday so i'd say there's alot of bulls
earth has so many humans because people have bays and the babys grow up and then tthey have babys,etc,etc
Yes there can. The earth only has so many resources, if we have a population greater than those resources can support there are too many people.
People of the Earth has 587 pages.
because no oxygen on other planet
there is oxygeb on earth so people can live
everyone born on this earth has realtionship in some way .how can you have born with out any relationship. so there are no people without relationship
People are doing any number of things on Earth. There are over 7 billion people, so they can be working, eating, sleeping, or watching television. Many people spend a lot of time driving as well.
6 billion people live on Earth.
There are 6 billion people on Earth in 1999.
Well so many people die and people lose their family members. Also people houses are destroyed and people lose a lot of stuff!
People have many, many different things to worry about. Some people have priorities like just surviving and environmentalism is secondary to them. Others really feel that earth's resources are unlimited, or that the world is so vast that humans can't damage it.