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There are well over 100 women's names in The Bible.

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Q: Why is there only two women's names in the Bible?
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The Bible only mention two of their names, Michael and Gabriel. The lack of more names was a safeguard against giving undue honor and worship to these creatures. (Revelation 19:10; 22:8, 9)

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No those two names are not found in the King James Bible. Those names come from the Gospel of Nicodemus, which is an apocryphal book.

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Cleopatra had only two husbands and they were her brothers. Their names were Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV.Cleopatra had only two husbands and they were her brothers. Their names were Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV.Cleopatra had only two husbands and they were her brothers. Their names were Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV.Cleopatra had only two husbands and they were her brothers. Their names were Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV.Cleopatra had only two husbands and they were her brothers. Their names were Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV.Cleopatra had only two husbands and they were her brothers. Their names were Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV.Cleopatra had only two husbands and they were her brothers. Their names were Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV.Cleopatra had only two husbands and they were her brothers. Their names were Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV.Cleopatra had only two husbands and they were her brothers. Their names were Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV.

Which two books of the Bible have names that start with the letter A?

The Book of Amos and the Book of Acts.

What were the two people's names that were mummified in the bible?

Joseph is one (Genesis 50:26)

What was the two spies name that went out to spy in the land of Jericho?

The names of these two men are not stated in the Bible record.

Who were the thieves that Jesus changed before they followed with Jesus?

If you are taking of the two theives on the cross with Jesus. Only one believed and followed Jesus to heaven. Their names are not recorded in the Bible

Names of gardens that are mentioned in the Bible?

There were two gardens mentioned in the bible The garden of Eden and the garden of gethsamane.