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Lilith is not mentioned because she was not existent. It arose from a mistaken understanding of Genesis 1 and 2. They refer only to one creation event - in Genesis 1 it is an overview, while Genesis 2 focuses on the creation of man. Adam had only one wife, whose name was Eve - same one in both chapters.

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The second creation account in Genesis (2:4b-2:25) says that Eve was the first woman God created - some time after he created Adam. However, Jewish scribes long ago noticed that the first creation account (Genesis 1:1-2:4a) also states that woman was created at the same time as man ("both male and female"). A tradition arose that this first woman was Lilith, and that she was Adam's first wife. So, if you are looking for meaning in the biblical creation accounts, you could say that Lilith was mentioned in The Bible, just that the Bible did not tell us her name.

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Because the Bible only mentions Adam's first and apparently only wife Eve. Lilith is part of Jewish mythology (midrash).

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Q: Why is there is no mention of Adam's first wife Lilith in the Bible?
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What happen to Adam first wife Lilith?

Lilith is not mentioned in the Bible.

Was Lilith a real person and Adams's wife?

We have two main sources for information on much of Jewish religion - the Bible and Jewish midrash. Lilith is not actually mentioned in the Bible, but does form part of Jewish midrash, where she is said to have been Adam's first wife. Although the name Lilith is often considered to be from the Hebrew Laylah(night), she is probably based on the Babylonian female demon, Lilitu, so on that basis we should consider her a demon, not a real person.

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there is no record of a human lilith in the canonized bible we use today. however other texts like the life of adam and eve which was dismissed as a hypocrisy by the catholic church mention lilith being adam's first wife and the mother of all demons. however the only lilith mentioned in the canonized bible is a screech owl. the book that mentions lilith is called the life of adam and eve and is a apocryphal book of the bible. some of these books were widespread but the catholic church (creators of modern Christianity) thought that they were hypocrisies or too outrageous or incomplete to be included in the canonized bible (66 known and preserved books) some of them were only found after the cannon was completed or created after Christ's time.

Is the name Lilith in the Hebrew Bible?

The word לילת occurs in the Hebrew Bible as a noun meaning "night spirit" but it does not occur as a Name. The character of Lilith (Adam's first wife) is only mentioned in the Talmud.

Is lilith the first wife of Adam mentiononed in the king James bible?

She does not appear in the bible but is only heard about in extra-biblical literature that created the myth.

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Lillith was Adams first wife Did he divorce her?

Lilith was Adam's first Wife. She refused to listen to him and want to be "on top" so to speak. She was then banished and lived among Demons. She's compared to a vampire and preys on young children. This is not in the Bible that I know of but I'm positive that is a Jewish Myth that is based on Fact.

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If what you mean is the Shabbat (Sabbath) the first mention I could find was (Exodus 16:23)

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The Bible's first mention of a musician is in Genesis 4:21 - His brother's name was Jubal. He was the father of all those who play the harp and flute. [NKJV]

What does Lilith have to do with Adam and Eve?

Lilith was Adam's first wife according to Hebrew folklore. But neither she nor a prior marriage for Adam is mentioned in the Bible. In fact, the book of Genesis only speaks of Eve as Adam's wife and the mother of their children.

Who is the first wise men?

The bible does not mention who was the first wise man to visit Jesus.