The collar that vicars wear is a clerical collar, not a dog collar. Dog collar is just a crude nickname. The clerical collar is also sometimes referred to as a Roman collar.
A vicar's neck wear is called a clerical collar or a dog collar. It is a distinctive type of collar worn by clergy members in various Christian denominations.
The correct name is a Clerical collar, although it is more common to hear the colloquial term 'dog collar' throughout the United Kingdom and Australia. They are also well known as a "Roman Collar" since they have been used by the church in Rome for centuries.
The clerical collar, informally called a "dog collar," is used by Anglican vicars and other clergy as a sense of separation between himself and the secular world -- to stand out as clergy.
A vicar's garment is typically called a clerical collar or a clergy collar. It is a special type of collar worn by clergy members as a symbol of their religious profession.
my dog doesnt eat his collar
A dog wears a collar. Usually a dog collar being worn signifies that a dog belongs to someone and often dog ID tags will be fixed to the dog collar so that a dog can be quickly returned to his owner if he gets lost.
You collar train a dog by basically leaving the collar on a dog. They will think that it is bothersome at first. But, within a few days the dog will not even notice the collar anymore.
The possessive form is the dog's collar.
cool collar
One dog has a dog's collar.
A GPS dog collar is just a regular collar to which a tracking chip has been attached, so that you can always keep track of where your pet is.
A person can do many different things with a Christmas dog collar. A person could save the dog collar so that the dog could wear it again the following Christmas. A person can choose to use the collar as a tree decoration the following Christmas.