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It is an extremely bad idea because it is simony (the selling of sacred things for a price). Up until the sixteenth century, indulgences were granted for any of the normal three penitential works: prayer, fasting, or almsgiving. Because of the stink raised by Martin Luther one can no longer get an indulgence for almsgiving. Please note that to issue an indulgence for almsgiving was NOT a bad idea, the only bad idea was that Martin Luther failed to understand indulgences and consequently failed to understand Christianity.

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Q: Why is the selling of indulgences a bad idea?
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His cause of posting the 95 theses was because of the selling of indulgences. Indulgences was a thing that would take you directly to heaven even though you did a bad thing. Did this help:D

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Luther protested the practice of selling indulgences. what was that practice?

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Who developed the idea of indulgences?

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