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It's called Fireproof, because it's about a man and woman's marriage going through a "fire," but they eventually get through it, so their marriage is "fireproof."

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Q: Why is the movie called Fireproof?
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Did Ron Howard direct fireproof?

No. Perhaps you're confusing Fireproof with another fireman themed movie, Backdraft, which Ron Howard did direct.

How much did it cost to make the movie fireproof?

The movie, "Fireproof," had a budget of 500,000 USD. Surprisingly, it grossed nearly 70 times it's budget, and did amazingly well with audiences across the globe.

Are used office fireproof file cabinets really fireproof?

Sometimes the term fireproof is misleading. Most often, cabinets and safes that are called fireproof are really only safe from fire up to certain degree of heat. Sometimes that degree can be quite low.

How long you have to wait to get divorce?

you shouldn't get a divorce, go watch the movie "fireproof"

Where can I watch online the movie Fireproof for free? hope u have fun

How do you deal with a spouse who always blames everything on you?

watch the movie fireproof it might help

What are fireproof jackets made out of?

Fireproof fabrics are made of a fabric called Nomex, a registered trademark of DuPont. It is a chemical version of nylon similar to Kevlar.

Were can you find a poster from the movie fireproof?

Sherwood Baptist Church, the home of the studio that made Fireproof, is currently selling them. I'll put a link to that product below.

What is the setting to fireproof?

That depends on the thing you want to make fireproof. Usually things come already fireproof, if they are meant to be. Most times you can not make things entirely fireproof yourself. If you meant Fireproof the movie, then the issue why you can not see it may be with your DVD player, or perhaps the disc is scratched. If you meant fireWALL and the setting for your router, then you should see your router´s manual for the optimal settings, as all routers have their own setting I can not guesswork what router you have.

What are the worldwide earnings for Fireproof?

Fireproof earned $33,351,975.

When was Fireproof released?

Fireproof was released on 09/26/2008.

What was the Production Budget for Fireproof?

The Production Budget for Fireproof was $500,000.